
Become a Licensed Massage Therapist
Study Massage in the Rocky Mountains
650-Hour Program
6.5 Month Program November 1-May 15
Class Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10am-6pm

Massage therapist applying massage techniques


Estes Park Massage School, LLC offers a basic 650-hour massage therapy program. Our instructors are varied with their massage therapy career experiences to bring an eclectic approach to our education program.

Estes Park Massage School, LLC is owned and operated by its sole member, Rebecca Martin.

Estes Park Massage School Mission Statement and Philosophy

Estes Park Massage School’s mission is to educate and graduate students who are advanced in being well rounded massage therapists. Massage therapists who will go forward to improve the massage profession knowledge base and their communities through healing touch.

Estes Park Massage School is unique due to the town’s seasonal mountain location with past and current massage therapists as instructors (with variety of schools and massage education). Off season we will provide education for students and teaching opportunities for working therapists.

There is great potential for a position at Estes Park Massage following graduation for students to work at Estes Park Massage as a therapist and/or teacher. Class will be live in person, as much as possible, and by video for illness or weather interference. A few of the non-hands educational pieces will be taught distance education as well. There will be a combination of classroom teaching, demonstrations, then students practice hands on. The variety of multiple teachers, topics, and classes offered to students will offer an opportunity to learn from therapists’ (teachers) experience.

Located in Estes Park, CO at 7,522 feet above sea level many people come to this area to heal themselves. Nature is abundant, wildlife present, and fresh mountain air plentiful. The inspirational beauty of the landscape calls many to visit this area for personal growth. We wish to provide quality education to students whose common call is dedication to well-being. We wish to graduate artistic and resourceful therapists into the healing arts profession.

650-hour Massage Therapy Program Curriculum

This program is taught at 517 Big Thompson Ave #104, Estes Park, CO 80517

One credit hour is defined as one clock hour of training. Each hour has fifty minutes of instruction, demonstration, and discussion and ten minutes of break time

The method of delivery of education will be a hybrid with majority classroom and part distance education

Anatomy and Physiology –  100 hours
Pathology – 25 Hours
Massage 1 –  75 hours
Massage 2 – 100 Hours
Body Mechanics –  25 hours
Communication Skills – 25 Hours
Self-care –  25 hours
Ethics and Professional Development/ business – 25 Hours
Student Clinic –  150 hours
Internship/ Homework/ Apprenticeship/ Volunteer – 100 Hours


Graduates of this program will be able to pass the MBLEx, get licensure in massage therapy in CO (and states that require 650 hours or less of basic massage training) and become employed as a professional massage therapist.